Tuesday 6 December 2016

Kodu Pac-Man

Trees Strikes Back

The Map




Codes for the Characters

Rover's Code

Bagorgen's Code

Evil Trees's Coding

1.My game has the idea of Pacman's maze and collecting food. I did some twist on it thougth. It's the sequel to my popular game, Bagorgen. The trees from that game are back to avenge Dr.Octopus. Bagorgen needs help collecting all the food before it's to late. His friend ROVER will help him. Bagorgen will take care of the trees and rover will collect all the apples.

2. I added Trees that attack Rover while he collects apples. Bagorgen fights back the trees so Rover doesn't die, if he does. Game Over. I added these changes to be creative and not make some bad Pacman copy. I also wanted to make a sequel to my popular game "Bagorgen"

3. I had tons of problems and not knowing the proper code for the scoreboard or the health bar system. I figured it out though. I fixed it by asking for help or looking it up on the internet.

4. Walls were to high. Higher than they are know. Making the game to easy for the missiles would miss and hit the wall. Much better now. Other than that they enjoyed the idea and creativity of the game.

5. If I had more time I would have added more wild stuff to add to the Bagorgen universe. It's a completed game but It's possible to add "DLC" and I would make more money for little to no effort. Just like every game on the market right now.

1 comment:

  1. I like the creative touches and story element. Your blog post and characters really bring the player into the world of Bagorgen.
    For more marks, add a power up that changes the abilities of a character such as allowing the player to eat the CPUs for a limited time.
