Tuesday 6 December 2016

Kodu Pac-Man

Trees Strikes Back

The Map




Codes for the Characters

Rover's Code

Bagorgen's Code

Evil Trees's Coding

1.My game has the idea of Pacman's maze and collecting food. I did some twist on it thougth. It's the sequel to my popular game, Bagorgen. The trees from that game are back to avenge Dr.Octopus. Bagorgen needs help collecting all the food before it's to late. His friend ROVER will help him. Bagorgen will take care of the trees and rover will collect all the apples.

2. I added Trees that attack Rover while he collects apples. Bagorgen fights back the trees so Rover doesn't die, if he does. Game Over. I added these changes to be creative and not make some bad Pacman copy. I also wanted to make a sequel to my popular game "Bagorgen"

3. I had tons of problems and not knowing the proper code for the scoreboard or the health bar system. I figured it out though. I fixed it by asking for help or looking it up on the internet.

4. Walls were to high. Higher than they are know. Making the game to easy for the missiles would miss and hit the wall. Much better now. Other than that they enjoyed the idea and creativity of the game.

5. If I had more time I would have added more wild stuff to add to the Bagorgen universe. It's a completed game but It's possible to add "DLC" and I would make more money for little to no effort. Just like every game on the market right now.

Thursday 17 November 2016



1. I didn't have any difficulties programming my game Bagorgen, it was really quick and easy. 
I learned really quick on how to program things from the tutorial. I enjoyed making this game and I'm really grateful that this program exist.

2. My friend Mukhil enjoyed the game, it was short and to the point. He things Bagorgen is going to sell billions of copies. He suggested to make a sequel. I would enjoy making a sequel to the story of Bagorgen and his foe Octopus.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Pixel Art

This is my Pixel Art

and I'm really proud of it.

I used 2 Images that I found in Google Images to help me put these 2 images together.

Friday 14 October 2016

Photoshop Intro

I used these 4 images to create my amazing Game Design Blog Banner, I used simple tools like lassoing parts of the images, putting them together. It took a while to get rid some of the weird parts that I accidentally lasso'ed also. Overall I like the results and I played a bit with the colouring. Hope you like

Used Lasso, Magic Wand, Fixed Image Size, Colors and Brightness. Text Tools. That's about it.

Wednesday 28 September 2016


Game Analysis

Question 1: Sortie en mar stood out to me because it's a very unique game. The game was meant to advertise but it turned out to be a nice simulator of what happens when you don't wear a life vest out in the sea. All you can do is spamming up arrow for as long as you can. I don't know how it works but my guess is they used a camera and acted out what happens when you drown and the player feels like they are in control by spamming up arrow. Pretty cool.

Question 2: Cat Mario was a pretty annoying and fun game, it consists of really obvious traps and really well hidden traps in a plat former game. It's logic makes no sense but that's why it's funny. You have to kind of guess if the next step you take leads to the finish line, or death.

Question 3: Flash Flash Revolution was an OK game, it wasn't horrible. It just didn't feel fun for me. It was game where you pretty much follow what Simon says, and it could be really fast on insane Difficulty, you would need to play hours of this to master, no thank you.

Question 4: Super Mario Bros is my #1 Game. It's a classic masterpiece, whenever I get the chance I go online to http://www.playretrogames.com/3171-super-mario-bros and finish the game in an hour.

OBVIOUSLY I tried to take a screenshot of me beating it, but I this keyboard is terrible, so I'm going to blame it on the Keyboard.

and obviously after 3 lives

I still like this game even though rustles my jimmies. I'm glad this game even exist, without it, I would have never got into gaming, which would be a good thing, but I don't care. You're a red plumber going through pipes and enemies who try to stop you and kill you. Your goal is to save the princess and beat Bowser, a huge dragon turtle. Best game 10/10 would play again (and I do).

About Me

What is your name? First name, last initial please

Joshua B

What name do you prefer to be called?


What block are you in?

Block 2

What grade are you in?

Grade 10

What is your favourite video game(s)?

Destiny, Assassin's Creed, Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Portal, League of Legends, Super Mario Bros, Pokemon

Which video game(s) are you currently playing?

I'm currently grinding on Destiny

Why did you take this class?

I love video games and want to learn more about them and how they are made.

What are you hoping to learn in this class? Be specific, for example what programs or programming languages are you interested in? What about the creative side of game design?

I hope to learn how to make 3-D Models, Programming/Coding. All things required to make a game.

What grade are you hoping to achieve in this class?

The best one, A+

How can you achieve this grade?

Focus and master everything the teacher is teaching me.

What do you want or need from your teacher in this class to be successful?

Have good humour.

What are you interested in outside of video games?


I wish my teacher knew...

I am Bronze 4 on LoL, I am very depressed about it.

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

I destroy with Thorn on Destiny