Saturday 17 June 2017

Final Self-Assessment

1. What was your favorite activity/assignment in the course?
                Game Maker Studio was AMAZING. I loved making Bagorgen in Space. I had so much fun and I will continue to make games on Game-Maker.
2. What is something specific you learned in this course?
How to use Blender, Photoshop and how to have fun with Game-Maker for sure. Everything seems easy now because I fully understood how to use it and will keep using it for my future projects.

3. What is something you found challenging in this course?
Pac Man in Kodu was really annoying. I didn't enjoy Kodu too much.

4. How do you solve your problems when you are stuck or don't understand something in this course?
The Amazing Mr. Strudwick himself, The Internet, and my friends.
5. What letter grade do you think you earned for term 3?
At least a B.
6. What letter grade do you think you earned for the whole course?
At Least a B also.
7. Are you happy with your work habits and progress in this course?
 Honestly NO, too much time on my phone. Wish I spent more time working on my stuff. Learned from my mistakes.
8. What is something you could improve about your work in this course?
 Get rid of my phone.
9. Any suggestions for the course or teacher for next year?
The whole year was a blast. Honestly the only class that brought a smile to my face. I wouldn't change a thing. I loved Game Design.

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