Tuesday 28 November 2017


Which step in the list above was the most challenging for you? In a short paragraph, describe why it was particularly difficult or what problems you had, as well as what steps you took to solve those problems and what you learned in the process.

It was a pain figuring out how to add the new score text and making sure it would increase my score with the good pickups and decrease my score with the bad pickups. The other big issue was Win, Tie and Lose. I finally figured out and it was very simple. I didn't need to create separate text strings, just have winText change to "Tie!" or "You lose!" depending on my score. The game finishes when count is 12 but your score determines the results. Finally figuring out a good balance in the game which is Score > 8 = LOSE. Score >12= TIE and of course Score=12 is a WIN. I figured out some of the things on my own after time and my friend Daemon helped me a lot as well.

Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DW8_bs70q987o0Qx09T096ktHj-wc_8v

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Unity Check-In

1.What stage you're at in your Unity adventure (which tutorial video are you on, or if you're on the second assignment, which step are you working on?).

I've finished the UFO tutorial and I'm on modifying the game now and I'm already having issue with not being able to have both pickups work at the same time. I also know the game isn't downloadable in my blog and I will fix that.

2.What challenges have you encountered so far?
Having 2 pickups in one game. Not that's its impossible I simply can't figure out how to do it. I should've googled it along time ago.

3.What's the most interesting thing you've learned so far?
Simply learning how to code in Unity was fun and interesting and learning what each command does and how I could use it in the future.