Thursday 15 February 2018

GameMaker Proposal

I want to update my game from last year to really seem like a game you would play and enjoy. I want to add 2 features. I want to add a background that isn't a black void of nothing. I also want to increase the game's difficulty by adding an enemy that spawns even more enemies. Gradually the game will become more intense. A Power Up is also something else I want to add to support you on your quest to get the highest score as possible. So I'll be working on those.

-Cool Background
-Higher Difficulty+A new enemy

Tuesday 28 November 2017


Which step in the list above was the most challenging for you? In a short paragraph, describe why it was particularly difficult or what problems you had, as well as what steps you took to solve those problems and what you learned in the process.

It was a pain figuring out how to add the new score text and making sure it would increase my score with the good pickups and decrease my score with the bad pickups. The other big issue was Win, Tie and Lose. I finally figured out and it was very simple. I didn't need to create separate text strings, just have winText change to "Tie!" or "You lose!" depending on my score. The game finishes when count is 12 but your score determines the results. Finally figuring out a good balance in the game which is Score > 8 = LOSE. Score >12= TIE and of course Score=12 is a WIN. I figured out some of the things on my own after time and my friend Daemon helped me a lot as well.

Google Drive link:

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Unity Check-In

1.What stage you're at in your Unity adventure (which tutorial video are you on, or if you're on the second assignment, which step are you working on?).

I've finished the UFO tutorial and I'm on modifying the game now and I'm already having issue with not being able to have both pickups work at the same time. I also know the game isn't downloadable in my blog and I will fix that.

2.What challenges have you encountered so far?
Having 2 pickups in one game. Not that's its impossible I simply can't figure out how to do it. I should've googled it along time ago.

3.What's the most interesting thing you've learned so far?
Simply learning how to code in Unity was fun and interesting and learning what each command does and how I could use it in the future.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Unity 2D UFO Tutorial

1. I've done a bit of coding in Game Maker when making a copy of an Asteroids Game, with some of my ideas and music.

2. I was able to follow the narrator's explanations without a problem and noticed he found the scripts he needed by reading the description of what they do. Once you find a description close or perfect for what you need you are able to copy and paste it into your game and adjust it to what you need it for.

3.  All the scripts were straight-forward on what their purpose is. It's just memorising them for future-reference and use that took a while. If I ever need to remember a script and what they do I can always look it up online.

4. I enjoyed the coding part of the tutorial and learning what they can do for the game. Not that I didn't enjoy doing other things in the game, which were the basics on how to use Unity but Coding was my favourite part for sure.

5. Make another "Pick Up" and name it something else for example "Pickup 2". Have a different sprite for it. Add the same coding you would use for "Pick Up" but a different score for picking it up. Find a way to have them move.

6. Moving Pickups would add a challenge to the game. As you starting picking up all the pickups they would start to move faster therefore making it hard to collect.


Tuesday 12 September 2017

Game Designer Skills

3 Skills that I find I would be best at:


When I was reading about this skill I knew that I would be able to apply my knowledge on History into a video game. Not a lot of people realise but I do see history being put into modern video games. One that I'm most aware of is Greek mythology. Most of the games I've played have hints of Greek mythology, for examples some of the characters names have a meaning in Greek, also some locations and enemies have a reference to Greek mythology. Another very good example is Assassin's Creed which is one of my favourite game series. Everything about the game is history. Everything is correspondent to the place and time the game is set in. Enemies, weapons, the world, the list goes on. So many people find History boring but once you apply it to something fun like video games you can create something very amazing. 

Creative Writing

I don't want to brag but I've made some really fascinating stories. One I've made a while back when I was a kid. It was about a flu going around that would eventually kill people and revive them as the "walking dead", it had to do with the it being night all the time also and the moon had a symbol on it that would give the main character a small clue to what was going on. I'm not going to spoil the story for you. I will make it go public one day. I'm still creating stories though whenever I've got free time. I would sit at my computer with word open and just write down some crazy goofy story that I've been thinking about on the ride back home. I sometimes take inspirations from other stories, mostly from video games, and apply them to my own. Unfortunately that's considered taking their work and making it my own. I don't copy and paste though. I would simply look at the scene and try my very best recreate it with my own story and my own setting. I also don't go around selling it as my own work. I would be able to apply my creative writing into video game. A game needs a story after all and I've got a bunch of stories that I can't wait to put into a game. 

Public Speaking

This is a really basic one but It's important to express your ideas and persuade people. I've done public speaking since I was in elementary and I've never had a problem with it. I don't get nervous as long as I know I wrote something worth speaking about. This ties into my creative writing. To perfect public speaking you want ideas that people haven't heard about before. It needs to be interesting and revolutionary. Telling your manager an idea for the game involves an hours of brainstorming and writing. Give them a show and let your words give them an image of your idea. Public Speaking could also have you present an idea or even a project to the public. The idea/project could speak for itself but you also want to tell people about the possibilities and wonders your idea/project could do. Once they've heard you out, It'll help you get positive feedback and get people excited and looking forward to the idea/project release date. That's how my public speaking skills involves video games. 

Challenging Skill:


Engineering involves coding, and coding involves math. Especially for video games. This year I'm going to pay extra attention to my math teacher because if I want to truly master video game coding I need to excel in Math. 

Saturday 17 June 2017

Final Self-Assessment

1. What was your favorite activity/assignment in the course?
                Game Maker Studio was AMAZING. I loved making Bagorgen in Space. I had so much fun and I will continue to make games on Game-Maker.
2. What is something specific you learned in this course?
How to use Blender, Photoshop and how to have fun with Game-Maker for sure. Everything seems easy now because I fully understood how to use it and will keep using it for my future projects.

3. What is something you found challenging in this course?
Pac Man in Kodu was really annoying. I didn't enjoy Kodu too much.

4. How do you solve your problems when you are stuck or don't understand something in this course?
The Amazing Mr. Strudwick himself, The Internet, and my friends.
5. What letter grade do you think you earned for term 3?
At least a B.
6. What letter grade do you think you earned for the whole course?
At Least a B also.
7. Are you happy with your work habits and progress in this course?
 Honestly NO, too much time on my phone. Wish I spent more time working on my stuff. Learned from my mistakes.
8. What is something you could improve about your work in this course?
 Get rid of my phone.
9. Any suggestions for the course or teacher for next year?
The whole year was a blast. Honestly the only class that brought a smile to my face. I wouldn't change a thing. I loved Game Design.